In the past 90 days we have 22 pendings and 20 sales for Downtown Sarasota Condos averaging a sales price of

$ 489,000  –  average list price was $ 519,000.

The surprising thing is that only 13 of these were in the newer buildings –  One Hundred Central, Alinari, 1350 Main,

Marquee en ville, Rivo and Burns Court Villas. 

I think this is a case of downtown buyers wanting to stay close to the water without paying the high price for a newer condo.

They are willing to compromise.

Also……Average sales per square footage was $322.00 where the list price was $331.00 – that’s a 91%  list price/sales price ratio.

Not bad….   Looks like the sellers seem to have got the message and have priced things according to the market.


It must be noted I took  4 sales over a million out of the equation. These were 2 Ritz Carlton Sales one of $2,325,000 and

$1,300,000 , a Beau Ciel of $1,300,000 and a Golden Gate Majestic Bay unit at $1,595,000.