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What does the new FIRPTA mean to you

New FIRPTA Changes for Foreign Sellers !! Maureen and I just represented two Canadians who sold their Palmer Ranch home in Villagewalk . Although they loved their unit, and Sarasota, they basically sold to reap the huge currency exchange gains. This couple purchased in 2010 for $215,000 when the US dollar and Canadian dollar were…

Important Updates for Canadian Sarasota real estate buyers and sellers

Canadian snowbirds have returned to their homes in Canada for the summer. While they are home in Canada, it is important for them to stay up to date with Sarasota real estate news. The Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act The Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act has been signed into law, which is incredible news for…

Are Sarasota sellers obligated to disclose assessments that have not been passed by the board ?

Some sellers in Sarasota often believe that a pending special assessment that has not been “formally” passed by their HOA Association or Condominium Board does not have to be disclosed. .  “Pending” is defined as an item on the agenda or reported in the minutes of the Association.  Many times special assessments, especially for significantly expensive items…